This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus / the information document according to sec. 307 para. 1 and 2 KAGB and to the PRIIPs KID before making any final investment decisions.

BVT | Imprint

1. Mandatory service provider disclosures pursuant to Section 5 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz)

BVT Beratungs-, Verwaltungs- und Treuhandgesellschaft für internationale Vermögensanlagen mbH

Legal form:
Limited liability company (GmbH)

Tölzer Straße 2, 82031 Grünwald, Germany




Commercial register:
Court of registration: Munich District Court
Registration number: HRB 57844

Authorized management representatives:
Martin Kraus, Jens Freudenberg

In acc. with Section 34 f (1) (1) of the German Industrial Code (GewO) 

Register of Brokers ( Registration number: D-F-155-R1YF-11 Supervisory authority: Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Max-Joseph-Str. 2,  80333 Munich, Germany
In acc. with Section 34 c of the German Industrial Code (GewO) 
Supervisory authority: Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Max-Joseph-Str. 2,  80333 Munich, Germany

2. Responsible for journalistic and editorial content within the meaning of Section 55 of the State Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag):

Jens Freudenberg

c/o BVT Beratungs-, Verwaltungs- und Treuhandgesellschaft für internationale Vermögensanlagen mbH, Tölzer Straße 2, 82031 Grünwald, Germany

3. Internet agency

Website realization:
Videri Concept GmbH 

Last amended: January 2024