This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus / the information document according to sec. 307 para. 1 and 2 KAGB and to the PRIIPs KID before making any final investment decisions.

About BVT

The BVT Group, headquartered in Munich and Atlanta with additional offices in Berlin, Cologne and Boston, is a bank-independent asset manager. For more than 45 years now it has been paving the way for German private investors and institutional capital investors to a wide range of opportunities offered by international tangible asset investment. The focus is on the asset classes of real estate in the USA and Germany, energy and infrastructure, private equity and portfolio concepts. With a total investment volume of EUR 9,2 billion and more than 80,000 investors, BVT is one of the most experienced service providers in the field of closed-end tangible asset investments.

Experience which pays off

With assets under management of around EUR 4.4 billion, a historical total investment volume of EUR 9,2 billion, 224 launched funds and more than 80,000 investors since the company was founded, BVT is one of the Germany’s most experienced service providers in the field of closed-end investment concepts. All investments are based on the main success principle of founder Harald von Scharfenberg. This continues to apply to the present day: Investing capital where it is most productive – and with the greatest possible independence from the volatility of international interest rate markets and stock markets.

In the form of modern closed-end investment concepts, BVT offers investors the chance to benefit from outstanding opportunities for returns, even in non-transparent markets – with calculable risks and on the basis of clearly defined investment criteria. Numerous awards also attest to the success of this approach.

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BVT in figures

  • founded in 1976
  • 225 funds created to date
  • EUR 9.2 billion total investment volume
  • around EUR 4.4 bilion assets under management
  • more than 80,000 investors

BVT’s investment management company derigo

Consolidated expertise for the future

The German Capital Investment Code (KAGB), which went into effect in 2013, created a whole new world for closed-end investment concepts. By founding derigo as an independent investment management company within the context of KAGB, BVT has ventured into this new, regulated world of funds. derigo unites know-how from the areas of tangible asset investment and private equity investment which is valuable throughout the BVT Group.

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